Heart Layout is flexible and automated PSD template. You can resize template to any size with any resolution, however it is strongly recommended to keep original 10×8 ratio for best results. Template is suitable to arrange images with loved ones, images with favorite places, images from weddings and celebrations or combination of all above mentioned.
With update I make possible to place all 47 required images from once, in seconds. All you have to do is to follow instructions and to Batch rename in Adobe Bridge images you want to use for layout. If you are certain about order of images then select them in Bridge in order you want to appear in layout. If you are not certain about order there are 50 possible arrangement available on one click inside Photoshop. Not certain about which images to use from many? You can select up to 80 different images and play around in Photoshop which will give you preview of 50 possible random arrangements with 47 images required for template. Chose arrangement you like most, click Apply then confirm on OK and that's it. Watch video on YouTube for more details http://youtu.be/I4qIVtzQIhU
What is included:
Heart Layout PSD Template and Data Sets to place all images from once in a seconds.
Action to quick place 47 images in layout.
Help file with steps for proper use.

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